Products & services
for industrial digitalization

We provide planning, implementation and training on Siemens software solutions and in-house software solutions.

get the whole package from us

We provide planning, implementation and training on Siemens software solutions as well as on in-house software solutions. Our advisory services help you define your problem statement, and understand how you could benefit from transitioning to a Digital Enterprise. Our packaged services secure a smooth implementation of our software solutions, and subsequently optimizing the performance of those solutions. For those very special needs that we all sometimes have, we can of course tailor our services specifically for your needs.

Software solutions
Advisory services
Packaged services
Tailored services

Industrial Digitalization Software Solutions




Solid Edge

Solid Edge

mechatronic design



Pick the Brain of an Expert

Azure cloud capacity

manufacturing simulation


CAE Simulation

Simcenter 3D

Simcenter FLOEFD

Simcenter System Simulation

Simcenter System Simulation


How we can help you with our services

Advisory services

Becoming a Digital Enterprise requires a paradigm shift. Our advisory services help business executives make sense of industrial digitalization. Our senior enterprise architects and senior consultants can help you understand emerging trends and what your competition is doing in response to them. They can also help you define how your company will be impacted by digitalization. And finally, they can help you understand how your company can benefit from the on-going change.

Packaged services

We know the Nordic and the Baltic manufacturing industry. We have fused this understanding with our understanding of industrial digitalization to create packaged services that ease your journey towards a digital enterprise – whether you are just taking the first baby steps or already along the way.

Tailored services

Sometimes there are unique needs. When our packaged services do not cover your needs, we are happy to tailor our services to your needs.


Latest news and blogs

Metso aiming to improve supply chain collaboration through system simulation

Webinar (THIS WEBINAR WILL BE HELD IN FINNISH LANGUAGE) (Material will be distributed in English) August 22, 2023 – 09:00 CET Learn how Metso utilizes system simulation in their hydraulic system design. Research engineer Jesse Backman shares his learning path to system simulation, and how Metso could improve the collaboration of the supply chain through […]

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Metso pyrkii kehittämään toimittajayhteistyötä systeemisimuloinnin avulla

Webinaari 22.8.2023 – 10:00 EET Tule kuulemaan kuinka Metso hyödyntää systeemisimulointia hydraulijärjestelmien suunnittelussa. Tutkimusinsinööri Jesse Backman kertoo oppipolkunsa systeemisimuloinnin pariin ja kuinka Metso voisi kehittää yhteistyötä toimittajaketjussaan systeemisimuloinin avulla. Tärkeimmät opit esitellään käytännön suunnitteluesimerkin avulla.​ Kuinka parantaa yhteistyötä toimitusketjussa systeemisimuloinnin avulla? Mitä systeemisimulointi on? Systeemisimulointi yhdistää yksittäisten komponenttien ominaisuudet ja vuorovaikutukset koko järjestelmän dynaamiseksi käyttäytymiseksi. […]

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From Chaos to Clarity: Embracing Modularity

by Olli Uuttu • 8 min read Dear reader, have you ever wondered what goes into building a truly modular product? It’s not as easy as it may seem. While there are several proven methods available to plan and implement optimal modular architectures, it still takes effort, dedication, and discipline to succeed. I’m sure you […]

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